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Denis Chartier

Denis Chartier is an environmental geographer and political ecologist, currently Professor of Geography at Université Paris Cité.

After a PhD dedicated to analysing the role of international environmental NGOs (in particular Greenpeace & WWF) in addressing environmental problems at a global scale, Denis Chartier developed a critical analysis of sustainable development and nature conservation policies in the Global South, with a particular focus on the Brazilian Amazon. This drew him to so-called “alternative” development practices, such as agroecology or the establishment of sustainable development conservations areas such as the Brazilian ResEx model. In addition, he conducted collaborative ethnographic research on negotiation strategies adopted by civil society movements in major international environmental conferences such as Rio+20 or COP21. His Habilitation à diriger des recherches (HDR) provides a genealogy and epistemological analysis of political ecology (and écologie politique), told through fieldwork in Para, Brazil around political mobilisations against the construction of the Belo Monte damn and a research-creation project on the “natural” wine movement in France. In his HDR he advances the proposition of an orphic political ecology grounded in the methodology of what he calls Gaïagraphie. Conceived as modes of response to what the philosopher Isabelle Stengers calls the intrusion of Gaia, orphic political ecology and gaïagraphie aim to provide means – for researchers and earthlings – to reclaim modes of thinking, feeling and acting in the Capitalocene. These approaches do so by opening up to other ontologies and developing extra-disciplinary practices that provoke frictions between scientific, artistic and somatic sound practices.

Within the Healing Encounters project, Denis Chartier is collaborating with Ibã Huni Kuin and Emilia Sanabria to examine the sonic dimensions of the Nixi pae (ayahuasca) ritual and the territory, drawing on Eco-acoustics and Indigenous Research Methods.

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  • Chartier D., Installation L’Assemblée, Unheard_Landscapes Symposium 21-23 octobre 2021, Blois.
  • Avec le collectif Vins/vivant (Emmanuelle Blanc et Aurélien Gabriel Cohen), Exposition Des vivants, des vins . Extraits, 3-4-5 avril 2019, Le clos du Tue-Boeuf, Les Montils, France. 
  • Avec le collectif Vins/vivant (Emmanuelle Blanc et Aurélien Gabriel Cohen), Exposition Des vivants, des vins, Galerie du Théâtre d’Orléans, 12 janvier au 16 février 2019. 
  • Chartier D., Gaïagraphie, Parcours Amazonien, Espace Krajcberg, Paris, 20 janvier au 23 mars 2017. 
  • Chartier D., Gaïagraphie, Sentiers brésiliens, Galerie le Garage, Orléans, 20 mai au 16 juin 2016.


  • Chartier D., 2016, Sentiers Amazoniens, Montage : Lison Sanabria, 4 min 10. 
  • Cohen A. G et Chartier D., 2019, Habitants, Montage : Amélie Menard, 20 min 30.
  • Chartier D. et Cohen A. G, 2019, Point de vue de l’arbre, Montage : Lison Sanabria, 2 min 23.


  • Chartier D., 2019, Origines, 2019, Pièce immersive, Mixage et post-production : Gaël Martinet/Flux, 21 min.
  • Chartier D., 2019, Yeast Symphony, Pièce immersive, Mixage et post-production : Gaël Martinet/Flux, 5 min.
  • Chartier D., 2016, Parcours Amazonien, Pièce immersive, Mixage et post-production : Gaël Nicolas. 21 min.