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Lopez Sanchez, José; Mesturini, Silvia & Sanabria, Emilia (forthcomingTrabajar con plantas que tienen madre. Diálogos con un onanya Shipibo. 

Sanabria, Emilia & Tófoli, Luís Fernando (forthcoming) “Integrating Psychedelic Experiences: An Interdisciplinary Discussion”

Sanabria Emilia, Benedito Pietro, de Rose Isabel & Talin Piera (forthcoming) "Future Ayahuasca Care Spaces: An Experimental Speculative Exercise."

Benedito, PietroSanabria, Emilia (forthcoming) "Psychedelic Nation? (De)Provincializing 'the' psychedelic renaissance from Brazil." Science, Technology & Human Values.  

Benedito, Pietro C. de P. & Valêncio, Luis Felipe S. (forthcoming) “Por mais afetos e corpos: Acolhimento e cuidado no Santo Daime”, In: Santo Daime Alteridades.

Benedito, Pietro C. de P. (forthcoming) “Mulheres e Santo Daime: Uma Revisão Bibliográfica”, In: Mulheres Santo Daime.


Rose, Isabel Santana. 2023. "Meio século de pesquisa sobre xamanismo". In: Maluf, Sônia W., Eliana E. Diehl e Juana Valentina N. Moreno (orgs). Uma antropologia da práxis: homenagem a Jean Langdon. Florianópolis, Editora da UFSC, pp: 25-45. 

Sanabria, Emilia & Mesturini, Silvia. 2023 “Plotting PhytoFutures.” American Anthropologist, 125, pp673-678 https://doi/10.1111/aman.13863

Lopez Sanchez, José, Mesturini, Silvia & Sanabria, Emilia. 2023. “Planting the Future.” American Anthropologist,

Sanabria, Emilia. 2023. "Futures" Cambridge Handbook of Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality. in Fotta, M.; McCallum, C.; Posocco, S. eds. University of Cambridge Press.  pp624-645 

Hardon, Anita & Sanabria, Emilia 2023. "Drogas Fluidas: revisitando a antropologia dos fármacos." Ilha, Revista de Antropologia. 25(1): 263-285 


Platero, Lígia D. & Isabel S. de Rose 2022. "Forest Medicines", kinship alliances and equivocations in the contemporary dialogues between Santo Daime and the Yawanawá. Anthropology of Consciousness (early view). DOI: . Link:  CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

Rose, Isabel S. (2022). "Esther Jean Langdon, medio siglo de investigación sobre chamanismo y ayahuasca". In: Dyck, Erica, Patrick Farrell, Beatriz C. Labate, Clancy Cavnar, Ibrahim Gabriell and Glauber L. Assis (eds.). Mujeres y psicodélicos. Descubriendo las voces invisibles. Nueva Tenochtitlan, Mexico: Chacruna/ Lunaria Ediciones.

Dumit, Joe & Sanabria, Emilia (2022). “Set, Setting and Clinical Trials - Colonial Technologies and Psychedelics" in The Palgrave Handbook of the Anthropology of Technology, edited by Bruun Maja Hojer, Ayo Wahlberg, Rachel Douglas-Jones, Cathrine Hasse, Klaus Hoeyer, Dorthe Brogård Kristensen & Brit Ross Winthereik. pp291-308  CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD


Sanabria, Emilia (2021). "Vegetative Value: promissory horizons of therapeutic innovation in the global circulation of ayahuasca." BioSocieties (Special Issue: Making Valuable Health). N°16, pp387-410. CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

de Pieri Benedito, Camila (Pietro) (2021). Um convite para a diversidade nos grupos ayahuasqueiros. Chacruna Latinoamérica.

Talin, Piera (2021). “Healing with the Brew. Ayahuasca reconfigures addiction.” in Ayahuasca Healing and Science, edited by B. Labate & C. Cavnar. Cham, CH: Springer

Talin, Piera (2021). Terra Sacra. L’arte di ricostruire un legame.” In Arensi, F. (a cura di) Terra Sacra. L’arte necessaria. Luoghi, comunità, esistenze. Edizioni SKIRA. ISBN: 885724646

Rose, Isabel S. & Geraldo Karaí Okenda (2021). Xamanismos guarani e tradução no Encontro de Saberes. Revista Ilha, 23(3): 21-40.

Rose, Isabel Santana, Edgar R. Barbosa Neto & Marcio Goldman (2021). Encontro de saberes: territórios, raça e gênero. Revista Mundaú, número especial: 12-22.

Barbosa Neto, Edgar R., Isabel Santana de Rose & Marcio Goldman eds. (2021). Encontro de Saberes: transversalidades e experiências (dossiê, vol. 2). Revista Mundaú, número especial.


Mesturini, Silvia (2020). « Chants, dessins, rituels et enjeux d’écriture. Comment écrire une progression d’interprétations croisées ? ». in Ecritures anthropologiques, Charlier, Grard, Laugrand, Laurent, Simon (eds.), Academia, coll. Investigations d’Anthropologie Prospective
a href="/images/pdf/publications/Mesturini,%202020.%20Chants,%20dessins,%20rituels%20et%20écriture.pdf""" CLICK HERE TO DOWNLOAD

Sanabria, Emilia (2020). "(Psychedelics) Beyond the “Neuro”." CulAnth Hot Spots, Fieldsights, July 21. OA

Dumit, Joe & Sanabria, Emilia (2020). "Fragments on the Demise of the Pharmaceutical." American Ethnologist Anthropological Fantasies After COVID-19 OA

Elcock, Chris & Dyck, Erika (2020). “Reconsidering Bummer Trips: Scientific, Religious, and Cultural Explanations of Adverse Reactions to LSD and Psychedelics.” Social History of Alcohol and Drugs. 

Elcock, Chris (2020). Psychedelic philanthropy: The nonprofit sector and Timothy Leary's 1960s psychedelic movement. The History of the Behavioural Sciences, early view

Barbosa Neto, Edgar R., Isabel Santana de Rose & Marcio Goldman (2020). Encontros com o Encontro de Saberes. Revista Mundaú, 9.1: 12-22.

Barbosa Neto, Edgar R., Isabel Santana de Rose & Marcio Goldman eds. (2020). Encontro de Saberes: transversalidades e experiências (dossiê, vol.1). Revista Mundaú, 9.1


Sanabria, Emilia (2019). Towards an anthropology of encounters: ayahuasca’s multiplicity and the politics of knowledge. Habilitation à diriger des recherches, ENS de Lyon. 

Rose, Isabel S. (2019). Cura espiritual, biomedicina e intermedicalidade no Santo Daime. Revista Ingesta, 1(1): 250-267. 

Rose, Isabel S. (2019). Notas sobre os usos contemporâneos do peiote e o Fogo Sagrado de Itzachilatlan. In: Labate, Beatriz C. & Sandra Goulart eds. O uso de plantas psicoativas nas Américas. Rio de Janeiro: Grama/NEIP, pp: 347-364.

Martins, Silvia, Isabel S. Rose & Rodrigo Toniol eds. (2019). Religião, saúde e corporalidades (dossiê). Revista Mundaú, 7(1). 


Elcock, Chris (2018).Drug Subcultures in the American City, 1800-present.” Oxford Research Encyclopedia of American History.

Talin, Piera (2018). Black as ink. Burning as fire. Ethnography of a B.O.R. session. in Galleria Varsi (eds.) Body of Reverbs. New rituals for contemporary bodies. Galleria Varsi, Roma.

Sanabria, Emilia (2018).Endurance and alterability.” Correspondences "Hormones". Cultural Anthropology. OA 

Rose, Isabel S. (2018). “Santo Daime”. Encyclopedia of Latin American Religions. Springer International Publishing.

Rose, Isabel S. (2018). “União do Vegetal”. Encyclopedia of Latin American Religions. Springer International Publishing.

Rose, Isabel S. (2018). “Barquinha”. Encyclopedia of Latin American Religions. Springer International Publishing.


Hardon, Anita and Sanabria, Emilia (2017). Fluid Drugs: Revisiting the Anthropology of Pharmaceuticals.” Annual Review of Anthropology 46 pp117-132. OA

Talin, Piera and Sanabria, Emilia (2017).Ayahuasca’s entwined efficacy: An ethnographic study of ritual healing from ‘addiction’.” International Journal Drug Policy 44 pp23-30. OA 


Mesturini Cappo, S. 2018. “What Ayahusca Wants. Notes for the study and preservation of an entagled ayahuasca.” In The Expanding World Ayahuasca Diaspora: Appropriation, Integration and Legislation, edited by B.Labate and C. Cavnar, pp157-176. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.

Mesturini Cappo, S. 2018.“Rituel et mise en scène du dépaysement. Performance et performativité de la ritualité amazonienne et internationale de l’ayahuasca.” In Rituels en action, edited by B. Sibona and M. Watthee-Delmotte, pp209-228. Louvain-la-Neuve, BE: Academia-Imaginaires. 

Lowy, I. & Sanabria, E. 2016. The biomedicalization of Latin-American bodies.”Manguinhos: História, Ciências, Saúde 23(1) pp11-18.

Brives, C.; Le Marcis, F.  & Sanabria, E. 2016.What’s in a Context? Tenses and Tensions in Evidence-Based Medicine.” Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness 35(5) pp369-376.

Sanabria, E. 2016. Plastic Bodies: sex hormones and menstrual suppression in Brazil. Experimental Futures series, Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press (recipient of the Michelle Z. Rosaldo and Diana Forsythe prizes).

Sanabria, E. 2016. Circulating Ignorance: Complexity and Agnogenesis in the Obesity ‘Epidemic’.”Cultural Anthropology 31(1) pp131–158.

Sanabria, E. 2016. “The compounding pharmacy in Brazil.” In The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology, edited by L. MandersonE. Cartwright & A. Hardon; pp213-217. Abingdon, UK: Routledge.