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Emilia Sanabria

Emilia Sanabria é uma antropóloga franco-colombiana formada na Inglaterra (com mestrado e doutorado em Antropologia Social pela Universidade de Cambridge, Bacharelado em História e Filosofia das Ciências pelo University College London. Foi professora de Antropologia na Ecole normale supérieure de Lyon, de 2011 a 2018, antes de entrar para o CNRS em 2018. Em 2019, defendeu sua Habilitation à diriger des recherches intitulado “Towards an anthropology of encounters: ayahuasca’s multiplicity and the politics of knowledge” (Em busca de uma antropologia de encontros: a multiplicidade da ayahuasca e a política do conhecimento). A pesquisa de Emília está situada no cruzamento da antropologia da saúde e do corpo com os Estudos de Ciência e Tecnologia (Science and Technology Studies - STS). Ela tem examinado a relação entre a ciência ocidental e a biomedicina e os conhecimentos indígenas e tradicionais, através de uma gama de projetos etnográficos sobre saúde sexual e reprodutiva, nutrição e justiça alimentícia e as demarcações entre drogas e medicamentos. A primeira monografia de Emília, Plastic Bodies: Sex hormones and menstrual suppression in Brazil (Corpos Plásticos: Hormônios sexuais e supressão menstrual no Brasil) foi publicada em 2016 pela Duke University Press. Baseado em uma etnografia da circulação de contraceptivos hormonais no Brasil, o livro propõe ler o corpo como eminentemente plástico. Corpos Plásticos recebeu os Prêmios Michelle Z. Rosaldo e Diana Forsythe, da Associação Antropológica Americana, em 2017. Emilia foi Pesquisadora Sênior no Instituto de Pesquisa de Ciências Sociais de Amsterdam (AISSR), University van Amsterdam de 2013 a 2018. Desenvolveu seu trabalho sobre drogas farmacêuticos e práticas de evidência em saúde global dentro do programa ERC "Chemical Youth: What drugs do for youth in their lives” (Juventude Química: o que as drogas fazem pelos jovens e suas vidas” ( coordenado por Anita Hardon.

Desde 2017, Emilia tem trabalhado como PI do Encontros de Cura.

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  • 2016. Plastic Bodies: sex hormones and menstrual suppression in Brazil. Experimental Futures Series. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press.


  • 2021. "Vegetative Value: promissory horizons of therapeutic innovation in the global circulation of ayahuasca." BioSocieties (Special Issue: Making Valuable Health)
  • 2020. "(Psychedelics) Beyond the “Neuro”." CulAnth Hot Spots, Fieldsights, July 21.
  • 2020 (with Joseph Dumit) "Fragments on the Demise of the Pharmaceutical." American Ethnologist Anthropological Fantasies After COVID-19
  • 2018. “Endurance and alterability.” Correspondences "Hormones". Cultural Anthropology
  • 2017. (with Anita Hardon) “Fluid Drugs: Revisiting the Anthropology of Pharmaceuticals.” Annual Review of Anthropology 46 pp117-132
  • 2017. (with Piera Talin) “Ayahuasca’s entwined efficacy: An ethnographic study of ritual healing from ‘addiction’.” International Journal Drug Policy 44 pp23-30
  • 2016. (with Charlotte Brives & Frédéric Le Marcis) “What’s in a Context? Tenses and Tensions in Evidence-Based Medicine.” Medical Anthropology: Cross-Cultural Studies in Health and Illness 35(5)
  • 2016. “Circulating Ignorance: Complexity and Agnogenesis in the Obesity ‘Epidemic’.” Cultural Anthropology 31(1):131–158
  • 2016. (with Ilana Lowy) “The biomedicalization of Latin-American bodies.” Manguinhos: História, Ciências, Saúde 23(1):11-18
  • 2015. (with Yates-Doerr, E.) “Alimentary uncertainties: from contested evidence to policy.” BioSocieties, 10(2):117-124
  • 2015. “Sensorial pedagogies, hungry fat cells and the limits of nutritional health education.” BioSocieties, 10(2):125-142
  • 2014. “‘The same thing in a different box:’ similarity and difference in pharmaceutical sex hormone consumption and marketing.” Medical Anthropology Quarterly 28(4):537-555
  • 2014. (with Edmonds, A.) “Medical borderlands: engineering the body with plastic surgery and hormonal therapies in Brazil.” Anthropology & Medicine. 21(2):202-216
  • 2013. “Hormones et reconfiguration des identités sexuelles au Brésil.” Clio. Femme, Genre et Histoire: “Quand la médecine fait le genre” (37):85-104
  • 2011. “Pourquoi saigner?” Terrain : analyses de sang n° 56, pp42-57
  • 2011. “The Body Inside Out” in Social Analysis: The International Journal of Social and Cultural Practice 55(1):94-112
  • 2010. “From sub- to super-citizenship: sex hormones and the body politic in Brazil” Ethnos, Journal of Anthropology 75(4):377-401
  • 2009. “Le médicament, un objet évanescent : essai sur la fabrication et la consommation des substances pharmaceutiques” Techniques & culture n°53, pp68-189
  • 2009. “Alleviative bleeding: bloodletting, menstruation and the politics of ignorance in a Brazilian blood donation centre” Body & Society. 15(2):123-144


  • (forthcoming with Joe Dumit). “Set, Setting and Clinical Trials - Colonial Technologies and Psychedelics" in The Palgrave Handbook for the Anthropology of Technology, edited by Maja Hojer Bruun & Klaus Høyer
  • (forthcoming). "Futures" Cambridge Handbook of Anthropology of Gender and Sexuality. in Fotta, M.; McCallum, C.; Posocco, S. eds. University of Cambridge Press
  • 2016. The compounding pharmacy in Brazil. The Routledge Handbook of Medical Anthropology. Edited by Lenore Manderson, Elizabeth Cartwright and Anita Hardon; pp213-217. Abingdon: Routledge